Opublikowane: 2023-09-29

Zjazd rodzinny jako przykład wynalezionej tradycji 

Dorota Feret
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dział: Artykuły


The purpose of this article is to present the functioning of contemporary invented tradition on the example of the Feret’s family reunion. The article contains the definitions of tradition, invented tradition, collective memory, cultural memory and memory space. It also describes the relationships between tradition and globalization. The analysis of the reunion depicts a construction of invented tradition and includes its features; it has been based on the family chronicle, the anthem and the presentation of the family’s history. This particular invented tradition has built a social identity and composed a response to the problems of the present world

Słowa kluczowe:

collective memory, cultural memory, tradition, invented tradition, globalization, identity, family

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Zasady cytowania

Feret, D. (2023). Zjazd rodzinny jako przykład wynalezionej tradycji . Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (2), 128–145. https://doi.org/10.21697/zk.2015.2.07

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