Published: 2023-05-16

19th-century bread dough artifacts in the collection National Museum in Krakow.

Monika Paś
Artifex Novus
Section: Artykuły tematyczne


In the category of patriotic jewelry and historical memorabilia, artfacts that were made in prison cells and in exile deserve special attention. Despite their sometimes-negligible artistic values, they all evoke emotions and remind us of the dramatic fate of the insurgents and political activists fighting for freedom. Few of these usually amateur products, decorated with patriotic symbols, have survived to the present day. In the memoirs of prisoners, you can find information that those who had artistic talents filled the long time by drawing playing cards or making various objects out of bread. The collection of the National Museum in Krakow includes several artifacts made of pulp, the basic ingredient of which – according to the inventory records – was bread. All, according to the sources, were made by convicts while in prisons. Almost all of them were decorated with patriotic symbols, so they can be classified as „engaged” works. Due to the fragility of the material and the circumstances of their creation, they are extremely valuable mementoes of Polish history in the 19th century.


jewelry, artifacts made of bread, national mementoes

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Paś, M. (2023). 19th-century bread dough artifacts in the collection National Museum in Krakow. Artifex Novus, (6), 98–107.

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