
Focus and Scope

Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) publishes scholarly texts (articles, reviews, reports) with educational concepts of contemporary theories and practices. It creates platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas on current educational issues, both in Poland, in other European countries and around the world. The journal has being edited in paper version twice a year (biannually). There are accepted scholarly texts  representing all the sub-disciplines of contemporary sciences of education (pedagogy) in Polish and English.

Long-term preservation service: Content of published ‘Pedagogical Forum’ issues is actively deposited in a long-term preservation service in the National Library of Poland and the Public Knowledge Project in Canada.

Peer Review Process

Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) accepts for publication manuscripts which comply with editorial guidelines. The persons responsible for assessing the texts are the issue editor and the editorial assistant whose responsibility is to manage and document the review proces.

 Each article is submitted for a review to two independent reviewers from outside the author’s scientific entity. In case of publication in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution that has its office in a different country than that of the author of the publication.

 The author (authors) of the manuscript and the reviewers do not know each other’s identity (the so-called double blind review process).  Otherwise, the reviewer will be requested to declare in writing that there is no conflict of interests between them and the author (authors) such as: direct personal relationship (first or second degree of kinship, legal relationship, marriage), professional relationship or a direct scientific cooperation within the previous two years of the year of writing the review.

The manuscripts submitted for publication in Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) have to meet the following criteria:

- be written in an appropriate scientific style in compliance with the journal’s profile

- be clearly structured,

- present the current state of research and appropriately refer to previous research activities in this field,

- ensure accuracy of the language and terminology

- quote appropriate literature

- article conclusions are comprehensible.

 The review is issued in a written form and states unambiguously rejection or acceptance for publication. 

The Pedagogical Forum editors check the originality of the submitted articles using the JSA system (Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System). This system is introduced by the Ministry of Education and Science as obligatory in all scientific institutions in Poland.

 The final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the reviewed manuscript is made by the editorial under the chairmanship of the editor-in-chief.

The documents related to the review proces are kept in the editorial office.

Review form pl 

Review form en

Publication Frequency

The manuscripts for the first issue in the year should be submitted by the 31st of December of the previous year. The manuscripts for the second issue should be submitted by the 31st of March of the same year. 

Ethics norms



The rules guarantee the highest content and ethical level of scholarly texts (articles, reviews, reports) published in Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne). They are addressed to editors, authors, reviewers, and members of the Scientific Board. They constitute rights, responsibilities and liabilities during the editorial and publishing process. The rules are based on the assumption that the overriding obligation of all entities participating in the editorial and publishing process is to comply with the ethical standards in scientific activities, in particular, respect for the dignity of the other human being, truthfulness, objectivity, impartiality, independence, openness, transparency, responsibility , honesty, reliability, recognition of the right to freedom of belief and intellectual property rights. The rules have been developed following the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and are based on the belief that the first judge in ethical matters is conscience.

1. Publishing rules

1.1. The editorial and publishing processes are managed by thematic, language and statistical editors who carry out the tasks assigned to them by the editor-in-chief in a professional manner, guided by the ethical standards applicable in science listed in the preamble.

1.2. Competent thematic editors make a preliminary assessment of the work submitted for publication, recommending or not recommending it to the reviewing procedure. The final decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

1.3. When deciding whether or not to accept a particular publication, the criteria are considered: originality, scientific quality and coherence with the subject matter of the journal, not the origin of the author, nationality, ethnicity, political views, gender, race or religion.

1.4. The editor-in-chief is responsible for transparency and impartiality of the editorial and publishing process as well as for respecting intellectual property rights.

1.5. The editors shall not disclose the authors' data to the reviewers or the reviewers' data to the authors.

1.6. Information obtained during the publication evaluation process cannot be used without the author's written consent.

1.7. Violation of the rules of publication ethics adopted by the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne)  should be reported to the editor-in-chief who is obliged to conduct the explanatory proceedings and present its results to the editorial team.

1.8. The editorial team is a body that considers the violation of the rules of publication ethics reported by the editor-in-chief and makes appropriate decisions.

1.9. All interested parties shall be informed in writing about the decision made by the editorial board.

1.10. In the case of revealing the non-originality of the work submitted for publication in the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne), including scientific dishonesty in the form of "ghostwriting" or "honorary / guest authorship", the decision of the editorial team is sent also to the author's affiliated institution.

2. Authors' rules

2.1. Authors may submit their own scholarly articles, reviews, or reports to the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne).

2.2. In case of justified doubts as to the authenticity, including scientific misconduct in the form of 'ghostwriting' or 'honorary / guest authorship', the editor-in-chief initiates explanatory proceedings.

2.3. Submissions sent to the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) cannot be the subject of an acceptance procedure to a different journal. Disclosure of such a fact results in rejection of the submitted work.

2.4. As a rule, the author should not publish data that describe the same research in more than one journal or original publication.

2.5. The author is obliged to include full information about the sources of funding and the participation of scientific and non-scientific institutions in the text creation in their submitted publication.

2.6. In case of a co-authored submission, the authors are required to specify their role by the stating who is the main author, author (including co-author), author of the research process, research conductor, gathered the statistical analysis, and collected the interpretation of results.

2.7. In the refence section, the author should submit only those publications that had a real impact on the submitted text and he must always confirm reference the work of a different author.

2.8. In case of a negative review by the thematic editor, the author has a right to appeal to the editor-in-chief who can resend the text for further reviewing.

2.9. The appeal is not possible in case of two negative ratings of the reviewers.

2.10. The conclusive decision on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the text for publication is made by the editor-in-chief.

2.11. The author whose text has been accepted for publication has the obligation to cooperate with the editors by providing formatted submissions for further processing. Delays or lack of cooperation may result in the rejection of the text. The decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

2.12. The author has the right for a transparent and clear submission process.

2.13. Authors whose text has been accepted for publication in the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) sign a written declaration regarding the originality of the work within 14 days from the receipt of the information about the publication including their permission to place their text on the journal's website on the Open Access basis. In the case of co-author texts, each author separately makes a statement and signs a contract.

2.14. The author is responsible for breaking the obligations in accordance with the legal norms applicable in the given scope.

3. Reviewers' rules

3.1. Reviewers who participate in the review process perform their tasks in a professional way, following the existing ethical standards listed in the preamble.

3.2. Reviewers should not review texts when they believe there is a conflict of interests resulting from the relationship with the author, company or institution.

3.3. The text submitted for the review is evaluated based on its scientific value, following criteria stipulated by the editors of the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) in the review form.

3.4. The reviewer is obliged to inform the editor-in-chief of the suspicion or disclosure of the non-originality of the text submitted for publication in the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne), including scientific misconduct in the form of ghostwriting or honorary / guest authorship.

3.5. The editors do not disclose to the author the identity of the reviewer, but only a review prepared by them in the area of expertise related to the reviewed text

3.6. In case the author appeals against the opinion of the reviewer for reasons falling within the scope of the existing publication ethics at the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne), the editor-in-chief conducts the explanatory proceedings. The results of the proceeedings are sent to the editorial team that is responsible for making the appropriate decision. The decision is submitted to the author.

4. Scientific Board's rules

4.1. Members of the Scientific Board of the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) are recognized scholars from Poland and abroad who contribute to the development of the journal with their scientific achievements.

4.2. The chairman presides the Scientific Board and participates in the meetings of the editorial team as an advisor.

4.3. A person who explicitly opposes the existing ethical standards may be deprived of membership on the Scientific Board of the Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne). The decision in this matter at the request of the chairman is made by the Faculty Council of the School of Education at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

The policy regarding copyrights of articles published at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University’s journals is as follows: copyright of published articles is retained by the authors.

Sources of Support

Since 2016, Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) is under the patronage of the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences, acting within the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Journal History

Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) was established in 2011.

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