Published: 2020-01-16

Bonding as the Basis for Family Education to Relationships

Mária Potočárová
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Articles and essays


The author presents selected theories explaining the phenomenon of bonding taking interdisciplinary perspective and understands it in the context of family education. Due to this eclectic approach, she aims to extract knowledge adequate to the needs of modern parents, whose competences in the field of intra-family relations seem insufficient and require pedagogical interventions.

The article consists of five sections. The first subject of the analysis is the phenomenon of bonding based on J. Bowlby’s theory. In the second section it was identified in family education. The third section provides guidance on how to shape bonding relationships through family education. In the fourth and fifth section the same problem is considered in terms of personality development and family socialization respectively.


bonding; relationship; parents; child; education

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Potočárová, M. . (2020). Bonding as the Basis for Family Education to Relationships. Pedagogical Forum, 9(2/2), 35–46.

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