Published: 2022-08-30

Responsible Parenthood - in the Ethical and Moral Context of Freedom and Truth

Dariusz Jarosław Adamczyk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The article concerns the issue of responsible parenthood considered in the ethical and moral context of freedom and truth. The sense of responsibility is closely related to the truth about man and his freedom. It is about an objective truth read in conscience. The truth about human freedom condi- tions responsibility, which is God's response to His gift of vocation. The essence of responsible paren- ting is included in the combined approach to its individual aspects, which the properly understood religious aspect emerges, constituting a kind of a test of the correctness of reference to the others.


human, responsibility, truth, freedom, responsible parenthood

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Adamczyk , D. J. (2022). Responsible Parenthood - in the Ethical and Moral Context of Freedom and Truth . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 43(1), 79–89.

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