Published: 2022-09-03

Moral formation according to Eduardo Levy SJ

Zbigniew Szulczyk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The problem of difficulties in the moral upbringing of children and youth is being increasingly undertaken in literature. The weakening of authorities and questioning of the existence of objective moral norms make it more difficult for parents, catechists, and formators to implement effective moral formation. A Mexican Jesuit, Eduardo Levy, presents an interesting way of answering these challenges. In his formation program Encuentro con Cristo, he tries to adjust the content and form of the message so that it helps to put the moral principles to practice in everyday life. In his opinion, it allows ethical norms to have more chances to become a part of the pupils' value system. Eduardo Levy strives for the simplicity of the message, diversity of the forms, and parents' involvement in the process.


Encuentro con Cristo, Eduardo Levy, children’s formation, moral formation, catechesis

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Szulczyk , Z. (2022). Moral formation according to Eduardo Levy SJ. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 42(3), 11–20.

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