Published: 2022-09-05

Freedom in the Proclamation of the Gospel. An Example from Eph 6,10-20

Roman Mazur
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The proclamation of the Gospel springs from the vocation of the apostle. Even imprisonment cannot be an obstacle in fulfilling this task, for the παρρησία (courage) necessary for this mission is inherent in the Gospel itself and not in the personal attitude of heroism of the Apostle. This apostolic task can and must be sustained by constant prayer of the community of believers who in this way contribute to the proclamation of the Gospel. The conclusion of the Letter to the Ephesians, on the one hand, seems to be a good occasion to recall this task, and on the other, it reminds of constant and persistent prayer for this intention as a complementary work of the Apostle and the community of believers.


Proclamation of the Gospel, courage, task of the apostle, task of the community, Eph 6,10-20

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Mazur, R. (2022). Freedom in the Proclamation of the Gospel. An Example from Eph 6,10-20. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 42(2), 25–38.

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