Published: 2022-09-06

Searching for Love on TV. Alternative Methods of Searching for a Life Partner in Post-Modern Society. The Phenomenon of Dating Game Show

Patryk Michał Barszcz
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


This article presents the phenomenon of dating game shows discussing selected examples of shows in the context of transformations taking place in different spheres of social life and characteristic of the current post-modern society. The said transformations are also affecting romantic relationships, which are marked by a growing interest of singles in alternative methods of searching for a life partner. One of these methods involves participating in dating game shows that have recently enjoyed a rising popularity. The article also presents and compares the ways of establishing romantic relationships between women and men both in the past centuries and today. The aim of the article is to present dating game shows as one of the modern alternative methods of searching for love and establishing romantic relationship in the 21st century.


dating game shows, post-modern society, date, singlism

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Barszcz , P. M. (2022). Searching for Love on TV. Alternative Methods of Searching for a Life Partner in Post-Modern Society. The Phenomenon of Dating Game Show. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 42(2), 85–98.

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