Published: 2022-09-21

Mechanizm i obszary wsparcia rozwoju współpracy transgranicznej oraz ochrony dziedzictwa i krajobrazu kulturowego w ramach programu „Interreg Polska – Słowacja”

Mechanism and Areas of Support for the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation and the Protection of Heritage and Cultural Landscape Under the Interreg Poland – Slovakia Program

Jan Pochwała
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


In order to support the development of Polish and Slovak border regions, after the accession of both countries to the EU, the “Interreg Poland – Slovakia” Program was implemented. One of the priorities of the Program is the protection and use of the common Polish-Slovak cultural and natural heritage for the development of cross-border cooperation. As part of Interreg since 2004, EU-Structural Funds have co-financed joint Polish-Slovak projects implemented in selected counties/poviat located in the following voivodeships/provinces: Śląskie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie (on the Polish side) and Žilinskom kraji, Prešovskom kraji and Košickým kraji (on the Slovak side). The next editions of Interreg are becoming increasingly popular in Poland and Slovakia including its recognition by experts as well as the implementation of a cross-border effect.


European Union, cohesion policy, cross-border cooperation, Interreg Polska-Slovakia, cultural heritage, natural heritage

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Pochwała , J. (2022). Mechanizm i obszary wsparcia rozwoju współpracy transgranicznej oraz ochrony dziedzictwa i krajobrazu kulturowego w ramach programu „Interreg Polska – Słowacja” : Mechanism and Areas of Support for the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation and the Protection of Heritage and Cultural Landscape Under the Interreg Poland – Slovakia Program . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 41(3), 75–89.

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