Published: 2022-10-09

Confessional Communication in the Light of “Spiritual Speech ...” (1645) by Piotr Mohyła

Marek Melnyk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The concept of confessional communication contained in Mohyła’s “Speech...” was built on the Neoplatonic – gradualist concept of the world. It is possible that this resulted in a vision of Christianity’s unity. Although admittedly broken up into individual and, at the same time, antagonized and seemingly unconnected Churches, Christianity, in fact, forms an ontological unity consistent with the transcendent, gradualist order sustained by God. Marriage appeared to Mohyle as an opportunity to reconcile the differences of confession and as a special manifestation of the ontological harmony between God and people. “Speech...” provides evidence that the disintegration of religious unity in the Ruthenian lands of the Republic was accompanied by attempts at their integration. It was a process defining the evangelical-Orthodox communication of cultures.


Ecumenism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, confessional communication

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Melnyk, M. (2022). Confessional Communication in the Light of “Spiritual Speech .” (1645) by Piotr Mohyła . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 40(3), 21–34.

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