Published: 2022-10-18

The crime of robbery in the light of polish criminal law

Katarzyna Majchrzak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The article presents a synthetic view on the crime of robbery according to the Polish criminal law. It is the heaviest of crimes against property. The crime of robbery is committed by someone who steals someone else’s property, uses or threatens to immediately use violence against a person or leads a person to the state of unconsciousness or vulnerability. Robbery belongs to intentional crimes of the intent to seize someone else’s property for the purpose of its appropriation. Robbery is a complex crime because it includes elements of theft and the so-called robbery activities. The crime of robbery primarily violates property and possession rights, but it also infringes on such personal interests as freedom, life and health.


property, theft, criminal law, the seizure of someone else’s property

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Majchrzak , K. (2022). The crime of robbery in the light of polish criminal law . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 40(1), 51–59.

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