Published: 2022-10-28

Post-communism, liberalism and solidarity in the countries of central and eastern Europe after 1989

Andrzej Kobyliński
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Philosophy


The main aim of this article is to analyze the transition from communism to post-communism in Eastern Bloc countries after 1989. Post-communism in Central and Eastern Europe gradually transformed into various forms of democracy. The political project implemented in post-communist societies is a selective kind of liberalism, which entailed a number of negative consequences. Unfortunately, in the process of transition from post-communism to liberal democracy, a very small role was played by the category of solidarity as an important virtue of social life. We need today a global expansion of solidarity as a new worldwide ethos.


post-communism, communism, liberalism, solidarity, ethics of solidarity, human rights, homo sovieticus, ethics of post-communism

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Kobyliński , A. (2022). Post-communism, liberalism and solidarity in the countries of central and eastern Europe after 1989 . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 39(4), 105–115.

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