Published: 2022-10-30

Christ on the Mount of Olives op.85 Ludwig van Beethoven’s. Trying to introspection (Part II)

Marek Dudek
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: History


Ludvig van Beethoven, well-known in music circles mainly due to his instrumental achievements, was indeed vividly interested in vocal-instrumental field. The focal point of his studies of the works of his predecessors , baroque and classicism masters, was the interrelation between the text and the score. The first Klangrede study was the oratorio entitled Christ on the Mount of Olives Op.85, the  libretto by F.X. Huber. However, neither the Vienna audience nor the composer himself were contented with it. Thorough changes (in 1804 and 1811) resulted in implementing numerous elements from the Fidelio opera but the work still remained unsatisfying.


Beethoven, German oratorio, Klangrede, Huber, libretto, Christ on The Mount of Olives, music analysis

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Dudek , M. (2022). Christ on the Mount of Olives op.85 Ludwig van Beethoven’s. Trying to introspection (Part II) . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 39(3), 149–168.

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