Published: 2022-11-09

The collaboration of family and school – the need for trust and complementarity

Stanisław Chrobak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


Education of children is the most important duty and, at the same time, the right of all parents. A family cannot give up on providing children with support, company and guidance. All other participants in the educational process act to some extent on behalf of parents, on the basis of their consent and even at their direction. The school cannot replace parents, but it should play a comple mentary role to them. In such a case, special emphasis is placed on fulfilling the commitments made towards parents or on meeting their expectations expressed in the act of trust. Trust refers here to actions undertaken by others and it implies expressing one’s beliefs through action.


family, school, trust, cooperation, upbringing

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Chrobak , S. (2022). The collaboration of family and school – the need for trust and complementarity . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 39(1), 131–143.

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