Published: 2022-11-19

Religious Teaching and Education in the Assumptions of the Third Congress of School Prefects of the Kingdom of Poland (1907)

Roman Ceglarek
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The aim of this article is to arrange information concerning the Third Congress of School Prefects of the Kingdom of Poland which took place in Warsaw from 24th to 26th August 1907. It is also intended to shed more light on the problems of religious teaching and education, or upbringing, discussed at the congress and related to the creation of curricula for religious instruction and their unification in primary and secondary schools, as well as to the Christian formation of children and young people within the framework of pastoral care in schools. It also presents efforts aimed at developing the professional qualifications of teaching priests in the Russian partition zone. Furthermore, it expands the knowledge of the history of catechesis by describing its selected aspects in the period of the Kingdom of Poland based on an analysis of source texts from that time.


congress, catechesis, school prefect, Kingdom of Poland, religious teaching, religious education

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Ceglarek, R. (2022). Religious Teaching and Education in the Assumptions of the Third Congress of School Prefects of the Kingdom of Poland (1907). Seminare. Learned Investigations, 43(2), 13–24.

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