Published: 2022-11-19

Contemporary Implementation of Pre-school Education According to the Concept of Edmund Bojanowski

Lidia Marszałek
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The presented publication presents the current, practical implications of the concept of preschool education developed by Blessed Edmund Bojanowski in contemporary reality in many countries of the world, taking into account their specific culture and language. This concept, together with methodological indications for its implementation - according to the author - can effectively counter the current trends of educating the youngest generation towards a hedonistic model of life for the proper shaping of personal, social and national identity, regardless of the area of the world in which it is implemented.


Edmund Bojanowski, preschool education, value system, tradition, education

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Marszałek, L. (2022). Contemporary Implementation of Pre-school Education According to the Concept of Edmund Bojanowski. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 43(2), 67–77.

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