Published: 2022-11-22

The Philosophy underlying the person-of-the-therapist training model

Harry Aponte
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The “Person-of the-Therapist” model is an approach to training and supervising therapists. The concept of a therapist as a wounded healer appears to be key in interpreting the therapeutic process and its healing power. This article aims at presenting this model’s philosophical foundations, which promote a creative use of the therapists’ personal potential independently of the different psychotherapeutic schools that they represent.


Person of the Therapist, Use of self in therapy, Training model for therapists, Philosophy of training

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Aponte, H. (2022). The Philosophy underlying the person-of-the-therapist training model . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 38(4), 57–67.

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