Published: 2022-11-23

Inability to Meet Basic Life Needs in the Light of Art. 209 of the Penal Code

Katarzyna Majchrzak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The notion of basic life needs is of evaluative nature and, depending on socio-cultural conditions, it can be interpreted differently. The most frequently encountered type of alimony avoidance is the one committed by parents against their children. Therefore, the article mentions, in particular, the issue of justified needs of children. These are needs satisfaction of which allows the child to live in conditions corresponding to their age, health condition and education. This does not regard only securing the minimal existential needs. If the child has a passion, special talents that they want to develop, securing these needs must be also considered as basic.


alimony avoidance, basic life needs, family, penal law

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Majchrzak , K. . (2022). Inability to Meet Basic Life Needs in the Light of Art. 209 of the Penal Code . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 38(3), 123–130.

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