Published: 2022-11-24

“Destroy This Temple, and in Three Days I Will Raise it Up”. Exegetical and Theological Analysis of John 2:19

Grzegorz Szubtarski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


This article has been carried out analysis of Jesus’ words about the destruction and rebuilding of the temple in John 2: 19. First analyzed the meaning of the words ,,demolish” and ,,rebuild”. It has been shown that they have no meaning of physical destruction of the temple, but it means the death and resurrection of Jesus. Later it has been shown the word ,,temple” means the body of Jesus as the new space the presence of God. The analyzes carried out showed that the words of Jesus must be understood more deeply than command the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. By these words Jesus foretold his death and resurrection, and pointed out that from now not the temple of stone, but his body is a new place of God’s presence.


Jesus, temple, death, resurrection, cross, Jerusalem

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Szubtarski , G. (2022). “Destroy This Temple, and in Three Days I Will Raise it Up”. Exegetical and Theological Analysis of John 2:19 . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 38(2), 21–33.

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