Published: 2022-11-26

Report on a scientific conference devoted to Cardinal A. Hlond on the 135th anniversary of birth and the 90th anniversary of his appointment to the Primate in Gniezno, “Cardinal August Hlond Primate of Poland Read Anew” (Mysłowice, 9.12.2016)

Jacek Brakowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Reports

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Brakowski , J. (2022). Report on a scientific conference devoted to Cardinal A. Hlond on the 135th anniversary of birth and the 90th anniversary of his appointment to the Primate in Gniezno, “Cardinal August Hlond Primate of Poland Read Anew” (Mysłowice, 9.12.2016). Seminare. Learned Investigations, 38(2), 196–198.

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