Published: 2022-12-20

The Five Dimensions of the APPRO Program: Explanation and Specification

Piotr Kwiatek , Anna Pecoraro
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


This article discusses the five fundamental dimensions of the "Activity Program Positive Personal Development" (APPRO) formation program. It is addressed not only to the environment of the Church, seminarians, priests, and male and female religious, but also to anyone who wishes to grow in well-being within a Catholic context. APPRO is a positive psychological approach. The five dimensions relevant to human formation of candidates to the priesthood and religious life include: gratitude, time management, accepting challenges, emotions, and spirituality. All those elements are integral to human flourishing and indirectly bound with the quality of vocation and the mission of the Church.


APPRO, positive psychology, human formation, program

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Kwiatek, P., & Pecoraro, A. (2022). The Five Dimensions of the APPRO Program: Explanation and Specification. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 36(3), 155–168.

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