Published: 2022-12-23

Post-Cisterian Abbey in Ląd as a Cultural Centre. An Analysis of the New Cultural Offer

Ryszard F. Sadowski , Bartłomiej Skowroński
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


This article is the third one in the series entitled “The Post-Cistercian Abbey in Ląd as a Cultural Centre”. The first two papers were published in Seminare, No. 3 and 4, 2014. The present article provides an evaluation of the research concerning tourists’ opinions on the attractiveness of the currently prepa- red cultural offer, its influence on the number of tourists, influence of specific factors on the reception the new offer and the attractiveness of the offer’s particular categories.


Cistercians, Abbey, cultural offer, monument, Ląd nad Wartą, Monument of History

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Sadowski , R. F., & Skowroński, B. (2022). Post-Cisterian Abbey in Ląd as a Cultural Centre. An Analysis of the New Cultural Offer. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 36(1), 175–191.

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