Published: 2022-12-30

The Internet as a Benefit and a Threat: Formational Challenges to Seminaries

Arkadiusz Domaszk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The Church’s teaching on the Internet is positive. The use of the Internet, as of every tool in the hands of man, may lead to positive or negative consequences. The paper touches upon the question of whether the Internet is a benefit or a threat to seminarians. Among the benefits of the Internet is access to a vast amount of information, including that of religious character. Cyberspace opens up a range of possibilities for evangelizing the world and making contacts with different people and groups inside the Church. Internet-related threats include electronic crimes, hacking, pornography and websites full of violence. Another problem is uneven access to information. Additionally, an excess of information causes the so called information overload. Apart from many good Catholic websites, there are also ones which differ from Catholic thought or are contrary to it. The Internet is a challenge to seminarians. The first of the challenges is good media education, which takes the specificity of cyberspace into account. Occasionally, the problem of Internet addiction might occur. Other issues that ought to be included in seminary education are rules for safe Internet use, personal data protection, and respecting copyrights. Despite its many limitations, the Internet can be a useful tool in the hands of competent and wise priests. The whole of the seminary environment ought to take up this challenge with courage so that the Internet might serve the mission of the Church.


Internet, mass media, seminary, seminary formation

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Domaszk , A. (2022). The Internet as a Benefit and a Threat: Formational Challenges to Seminaries. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 33, 63–79.

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