Published: 2023-01-09

An attempt to present a systemic approach towards a man in the world threatened with consumptionism

Grzegorz Embros
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Philosophy


In the article the author attempts to present the system approach towards sustainable consumption. The systemic analysis were carried out in relation to the idea of sustainable development and ecological crisis with the emphasis put on its reasons. The attention was drawn to properties, functions and a structure of the systems in question. The author outlined the issues related to the conception of needs and the needs generation mechanisms both in real and virtual worlds. Furthermore, he pointed out the consequences related to different ways of the consumption issues understanding and a risk for a human being arising due to the approach. Subsequently, the decision process was discussed in relation to the above mention problems and heed was paid to optimization procedures and responsibilities for the taken decisions. In this context the author discussed the moderation and economy.


sustainable consumption, sustainable development, consumptionism

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Embros, G. (2023). An attempt to present a systemic approach towards a man in the world threatened with consumptionism. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 32, 57–69.

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