Published: 2023-01-13

Cham’s decay and his results basic on Gen 9,18-19

Dariusz Adamczyk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


Story from Gen 9,18-19 is showing the Truth, that a man displays propensity to the evil, which has their source in free will and weakness of human nature. Author is describing situation of Noah drunk. He is showing bigger Cham’s sin, which rely on violation rule of property and respect to father. The evil touches important relationship between father and son. The sin is bringing serious results. Person of Cham is justification of depending his descendant from Israel.


sin, results of sin, blessing, curse

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Adamczyk, D. (2023). Cham’s decay and his results basic on Gen 9,18-19. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 30, 7–15.

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