Published: 2023-01-18

Integration of youth immigrants in the catholic church in Sweden

Mariusz Chamarczuk
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The migration phenomenon always entails various consequences. There is a large sensitivity and understanding of this phenomenon within the interest and care of the Catholic Church. The current external and internal tendencies creating circumstances leading to isolation of migrants and marginalizing their presence, should be, in accordance with the teaching of the Church, overcome so that everyone, especially the young immigrants, could come to terms with his new environment, new country and culture, so that he will be able to realize his life plans and devote his time to those who constitute his new social network within the Christian community. The Catholic Church in Sweden, among its many initiatives and suggestions, tries, with different effects, to create a suitable climate for young immigrants’ integration anticipating it being the right way of building a Catholic community in a society indoctrinated by environments hostile to culture, history and catholic tradition and of the Catholic Church. The following article is an attempt to present the initiatives of the Catholic Church in Sweden in their efforts to achieve cultural integration of young immigrants with the help of Sveriges Unga Katoliker (Swedish Young Catholics) organization within its own activities and by way of cooperation with parishes and national missions


young immigrants in Sweden, adolescence problems in emigration, cultural integration, multicultural environment

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Chamarczuk , M. (2023). Integration of youth immigrants in the catholic church in Sweden. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 30, 119–130.

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