Published: 2023-01-18

Salesian educational system – possible distortions

Bogdan Stańkowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The content of this article is related to the issues concerning Salesian educational system. The author has outlined some possible distortions of Don Bosco’s Salesian preventive system to which an educator is exposed. First of all, the educational errors which appear while working with young people concern the dimension of entertainment. Secondly, the author mentioned the instrumental treatment of the pupils. Next, the article touches the problem of paternalism as an effect of over protective love. There is a quite frequent problem of putting to much emphasis on actions according to the formal and structural requirements at schools which results in sticking to regulations. The author finishes indicating the last two distortions: leading to negligence of individual’s full development and overstressing the religious dimension at the expense of pupil’s integral education.


school, educator, pupil, Salesian preventive system – distortions

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Stańkowski , B. (2023). Salesian educational system – possible distortions. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 30, 187–194.

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