Published: 2009-06-30

Communion of Saints in the Celebration of the Mystery of Christ. Theological and Liturgical Analysis of “Rite of Exorcism”

Maciej Maciukiewicz
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


The Communion of the Saints in the Celebration of the Mystery of Christ. The Liturgical – Theological Analysis of the Ritual of exorcisms published after the Reform of Vaticanum II in the perspective communio sanctorum as the Truth of Christian Faith. The intension of the cult of the saints is the adoration of God and the sanctification of the man by the life fully conforming to the God’s will and by the imitation of these virtues who were outstanding disciples of Lord. Therefore our relations with inhabitants of heaven, providing to comprehend it in fuller light of the faith, not only does not impoverish the cult of the adoration, which through Christ in Spirit we give back to God Father, but on the contrary, enriches  it. The true cult of saints relies not so much on the frequent repetition of external acts, but rather on the intensification of active love which should find the expression in the leading of the Christian life. Who are “saints” for Christian? What means for Christian to cultivate the cult to saints? On what does rely that cult? What meaning possesses the cult of saints in the global dynamic of life with the faith? A subject of research became eucological texts of Roman Ritual, to be able to discover the theological image of all communio sanctorum. An intention of this article is deepened analysis liturgically - theological of Roman Ritual of exorcism, edited after the reform Vaticanum II in the perspective communio sanctorum as the truth of Christianity. An intention was the exposure and the indication of the richness of the eucological content. Admitting that the liturgy is attended to be the one of sources of the theology, introducing the liturgical - theological content of the Ritual of the exorcism we intended to show better, how the doctrine of the Church is reflected in the liturgy and it strongly soaks up. The analysis of the Ritual of the exorcism in the perspective of the communio sanctorum should help to understand better the axiom ancient: lex orandi, lex credendi.


saint, communion, ritual, communion of saints, exorcism, angel

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Maciukiewicz, M. (2009). Communion of Saints in the Celebration of the Mystery of Christ. Theological and Liturgical Analysis of “Rite of Exorcism”. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 26, 37–52.

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