In the first centuries, Christian formation in the life of the Church as well as in the home was based on the Bible. Listening to the Word of God, reflecting on it, accepting it and putting it into practice in daily life was considered the most perfect catechesis. Sacred Scripture took first place in teaching , educating and everyday life. Contemporary catechesis should also remain in close relation to Sacred Scripture. Without the Word of God present in the Bible, catechesis would be an ineffective activity. The Post-Conciliar Church discovered anew that the community is of priceless value for catechetical spiritual ministries. As one cannot imagine the Christian community without good catechesis, so it is impossible to conceive of good catechesis without the participation of the community. The significance of the community in catechetical delivering of the Word of God cannot be underestimated. Proclaiming the Word of God in catechesis is not just directed to individual people, but to the entire community. They are the appropriate addresses of the message of salvation, contributing to the growth of the faith community. The community, in which the Word of God is proclaimed, multiplies the formation effectiveness of its members, fosters the conditions for deepening interpersonal relationships, for sharing faith, and develops and deepens brotherly love.
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