Published: 2009-06-30

Mandate to teach of the theological disciplines (cann. 812 and 818 CCL)

Tomasz Gałkowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


In the article the issues regarding ratio legis of can 812 were analyzed. Besides, the critical opinions and answers of the individuals who are responsible for canon establishing were presented. Moreover, the author presents his personal opinion about promulgated canon. Also, the following issues are presented: similarities and differences of canon according to Apostolic Constitutions SCH and ECE; the analysis of obligatory rule of law, the analysis of the concept of canonical mission and mandate. On this basis the analysis of the canon was presented. The author's considerations show the necessity of authentically interpretation of the canons.


canonical mission, teaching mandate, cann. 812 and 818 CIC, Constitutions Apostolic: Sapientia Christiana and Ex corde Ecclesiae

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Gałkowski , T. (2009). Mandate to teach of the theological disciplines (cann. 812 and 818 CCL). Seminare. Learned Investigations, 26, 97–114.

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