Published: 2009-06-30

Issues of Human Migrations in the Ligjt of the Policies and Some Actions of the Holy See

Henryk Stawniak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


Today's man moves around so often that this phenomenon of mobility has become an almost daily experience in life and culture. The Church generally takes the phenomenon of migration as an event that is part of the existence of man always seeking of the best conditions of life. However, the Church considers the right of man to migration as one of his natural rights. However, questions arise in the sense of migration and the tensions that this causes, also in the matter of limiting this right in the name of the common good. According to the Holy See migrants are not only the challenge for the international society, but also they become a gift because they help to work, inspire to the greatest openness of the spirit, the economy and the policy and the search for new models.The Instructions, especially Erga migrantes caritas Christi of the year 2004, defined the lines of the pastoral of the migration of missio cum cura animarum, the ethnic personal parish and linguistic or ritual to the local parish with ethnic and linguistic or ritual mission and the ethnic and linguistic pastoral service at the level of a zone. From our article it is clear that over time pastoral solutions have matured towards immigrants on the structural side, forms and methods. The study allows us to note that certain problems relating to the migration of youth, women and trade in women as well as ecumenical issues always remain the difficult and open problems, and some are linked to the violation of the human rights.


law, migration, marriage, guidelines of the Holy See

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Stawniak , H. (2009). Issues of Human Migrations in the Ligjt of the Policies and Some Actions of the Holy See. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 26, 143–157.

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