Published: 2023-03-01

Christian education in outline

Jan Niewęgłowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


As a result of far- reaching transformations in Poland after the year 1989 - the Polish educational system and pedagogics found themselves in new circumstances. There are numerous attempts to handle this new situation. Generally, one can notice two ways of handling it: one tends to be more judgemental. Thus education - as a model of education - in the period of practical materialism comes under a lot of criticism. The other approach tends to look for new theoretical and practical solutions on the field of education. The political, social and economic reforms have influenced the Polish educational system in the negative way. The Polish mass media frequently broadcast appalling examples of juvenile delinquency that come as a shock to the older part of the society. One solution to this situation can give Christian model of education which falls back on Christian values. The article deals with the following problems: explains the term ‘education’ and the concept of ‘human being’ as person in the light of Christian faith, gives the general foundations in Declaration on Christian education (Gravissimum educationis) of the Vatican Council II. Lastly, it touches the question of formation of a mature and responsible conscience.


Christian education, person, man and God, conscience

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Niewęgłowski , J. (2023). Christian education in outline. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 27, 265–277.

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