Published: 2009-06-30

The Analysis of the Melody of the Officium on St. Cecilia in Manuscript Płock Antiphonary From 14th Century

Piotr Wiśniewski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: History


In addition to the books with liturgical texts and notated chants, which are of interest to the musicologist, there are the antiphonaries, particularly widespread in the Middle Ages, which reflect the diversity of liturgical and musical traditions. Our Book - Antiphonary ms. b. s. - serves to prepare the liturgy in the Cathedral in Płock; it deals in detail with the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours and provides information on the celebration of devotions. The Codex names 10 saints, including the liturgical form in honor of St. Cecilie. This office has 44 melodies, which form 3 groups: 18 psalms, 18 antiphons and 8 responsories. The author has focused on four problems: psalm endings, tonality, melismatics and jump combinations. Finally, the melodies of the Office belong to traditional Gregorian chant.


antiphonary, office, Gregorian chant

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Wiśniewski, P. (2009). The Analysis of the Melody of the Officium on St. Cecilia in Manuscript Płock Antiphonary From 14th Century. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 26, 305–319.

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