In the Museum of Lubawa District (Ziemia Lubawska) in New City of Lubawa (Nowe Miasto Lubaskie), there is a completely unknown for music historians organ instrument. It is a trivocal positive organ (chair organ) with a regular, quadric-octave scale C-c3, without foot bank. Currently the monument is in a poor technical condition. Despite the fact, that all mechanisms are still working, the instrument requires urgent Conservation. At the moment of writing this article, the instrument lacks of 13 organ pipes. Bellows are strongly used up – they are not able to keep monotonous pressure. Surprisingly, the instrument is not damaged by insects. It attest to use of appropriate wood type or good impregnation. On the faith of cursory inspection, it is hard to determine the origins of the positive. Organ pipes indicate features of machining, so the instrument, which is revealing not too high artistry, could have been made in XIX century. Described instrument, despite being simple, is very precious. Therefore, it should be properly secured. Professionally restored it will be definitely another decorative element of a temple and will arouse interest not only of music historians. It is also possible that during the renovation work of instrument extra information gets disclosed, which can help to define its creator, time or place the origin.
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