Published: 2007-06-30

The Supernatural Motivation ofa Wife‘s Submission to her Husband in the Light of Eph 5:21-24

Jerzy Kułaczkowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


One of the most important biblical texts about marriage are included in Ef 5. This fragment analyzes various aspects of the relationship between husband and wife. According to this, a special attribute of Christian marriage is sacramentality, consisting in participation of spouses, as personal communion, in salvation mystery understood as a deep bond of Christ with Church, thanks to which the marriage of Christians assumes a preternatural dimension. Moreover, Christ`s bond with Church is an example of mutual relations between spouses. A detailed mutual relation of husband and wife is stressed here, and especially the fact of wife`s submission to her husband, that can not be unders- tood as any sort of slavery, but rather as a form of Christian`s calling and the serve to Christ. As Christ is a head of the Church and takes care about the full development of it, especially in salva- tion, the same should be a husband for his wife. 


marriage, subjection, Christian vocation, husband, wife, Christ, Savior, Church

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Kułaczkowski, J. (2007). The Supernatural Motivation ofa Wife‘s Submission to her Husband in the Light of Eph 5:21-24. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 24, 95–110.

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