The life of Card. August Hlond, determined by the needs or the sings of time, became for him an individual school of independence and ability to live in the new and unexpected conditions. The skills and experience gained in this school appeared to be very helpful in fulfilling his ministry. It was not easy to conduct the pastoral service especially during the years right after regaining the independence by Poland, while the creation of the new country was taking place and next under two totalitarian regimes – nazi and communist. Although during these times his ministry took various forms and was carried out in the various places, such as Katowice, Wieden, Vatican, Warsaw, Piekary Slaskie or Lourdes, it was always inspired by the Marian piety of the Mother of Redeemer.Even though pastoral activity of the Primate Card. A. Hlond is bound up with Mary, yet it is still oriented to God in the Holy Trinity. Since Hi is above everything. Marian inspirations of Card. Hlond’s ministry are a meaningful testimony of Primate’s faith; the faith which indicates to a contemporary man the source of Christian hope that lays in God rich in mercy as well as the way of its implementation in which God also participates. The promise has been already fulfilled in Mary – the Mother of Christ. The Church in its pilgrimage to God has been still awaiting the fulfillment of this promise. Through Mary who is a model of Church, a man can find his true and right way to God.Since God does not redeem us without us and against our will. God expects our collaboration.
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