Published: 2003-06-30

Individual and the Social Dimension o f Sin

Tadeusz Borutka
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The sin is a composite reality. It introduces disorder to relations between God and people. Sin’s consequences influence on disintegration of human person and destroy appropriate relation among man and created world. In New Testament, sin was understood as a reality influence on a sinner and whole community. Even though a subject of sin is always a man, however sin’s consequences ‘embrace’ whole human community. When we talk about ‘social sin’, we have to consider its double relation. Human committed this sin create and support ‘structures of sin’. These ‘structures’ have influence on humans’ acts. That is why Church emphasizes necessity of change these ‘structures’ by internal conversion of man. In this cause, solidarity with the others is needed.

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Borutka, T. (2003). Individual and the Social Dimension o f Sin. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 19, 195–207.

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