Published: 2002-06-30

Jesus the Healer — a contemporary African Christological model

Zbigniew Majcher
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


For twenty centuries already the unlimited and redemptive presence of God in the man Jesus — the fundamental fact of the Bible and the most original matter of revelation — has been the object of continual reflection. Men of all times and different places approach this mystery with predetermined images and associations of the socio-economic and spiritual milieu in which they live and, as a result, there are always new and different lights on the unique mystery of Christ. The same mystery of Christ arrived at in diverse ways finds wide varieties of expression. A new accent characterizes the contemporary approach to the mystery of Christ. For instance in modern African theology, especially in the last three decades contextual African Christology has developed. A well understood theology of incuituration helps to approach Christ with the African mentality. African Christology is based on African traditional socio-religious models. Jesus Christ seen as traditional healer is one of the main models of contemporary African Christology.

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Majcher, Z. (2002). Jesus the Healer — a contemporary African Christological model. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 18, 15–29.

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