The "contemporary areopagus" of the world has been dominated by the process of globalization. This process forces rapid social changes and it also brings with it transformations in the sphere of consciousness and moral behavior. In this situation, in the opinion of J. Marianski and W. Zdaniewicz, “questions on the new values and on the criteria of development, on the norms which have legitimate power, the orientations towards the values, are very important. These values give the possibility of a human life, that is to say a life which has meaning and which is honourable, but the values also ensure an effective transmission of the faith”. Values give both individuals and societies: meaning, identification, motivation and legitimization to make decisions and actions. Values give, on the one hand, meaning to individuals and societies, on the other hand, each society needs a meaning, but also needs a motivation that helps to make decisions. Values ensure the communication of individuals in society and they contain a very important subject of interest on the part of several thinkers – from Socrates and Plato to M. Scheler and N. Hartman.The contemporary world lives in permanent anxiety. It turns ceaselessly among the conflicts, the anguishes and the wars. An urgent duty for contemporary Christians is the building of a new civilization that builds on traditional values that are accepted and shared by most of "global" society. This duty is, at the same time, a great desire for our compatriot, Pope John Paul II.
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