Wincenty Okoń is the true protagonist of a new didactic theory for school - training multilateral. His theses were first published in the book Podstaw, wykształcenia ogólnego ( / foundations of global education) in 1967, and then successively developed, until they were given an integral approach in the nineties. The news of this theory, which is contrary to the theory of mere teaching, lie in the fact that the process teaching-learning, to be effective, requires a triple activity of the student: intellectual, emotional and operational. W. Okoñ in his theory distinguishes four stages (strategies): type A strategy - learning as assimilation of contents; learning-type strategy as a discovery of the new dimensions of the problem and as a development of thought of the pupil; type E strategy - learning as lived experience; % strategy Q - learning as a pupil's activity. Multilateral training has also been adapted for catechesis, being found above all in the Catechism of the Catholic Religion (Katechim Religii Katolickiej, cz. 1-4).
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