Published: 2001-06-30

Religious and Moral Education of Children in the Family in the Light of the Treaty On the Education of Children of St. John Chrysostom

Tadeusz Kołosowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


Article represents idea religious and moral education o f children, which contains treaty „About education o f children” of. St. John Chrisostome. Author o f article introduced in turn following problems: what is education; which one is aim o f education; which one part in education of children realize each members of family; different aspects o f religious and moral education of children; problem o f prize and penalty in process o f education; rivalry as educational middle.

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Kołosowski, T. (2001). Religious and Moral Education of Children in the Family in the Light of the Treaty On the Education of Children of St. John Chrysostom . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 17, 405–420.

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