Published: 2000-06-30

Message of the Holy Father John Paul II to the World of Sport

Zbigniew Dziubiński
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The seventh pilgrimage o f the pope to his motherland was special in many ways. Not only did Jan Pawet II point our mistakes and negligences but he also praised Poles for their achievements in the last 10 years. The words said by the pope were simple but they were full of such beauty, poetry, depth and wisdom of a heart as if they were forged in rocks. These words because of their universal character were also directed to sports people. When the pope was talking about such things as love, poverty, justice, honour, solidarity, good, respect to other people, responsibility he also had on his mind sports people: competitors, trainers, physicians and sponsors. In this article there is reproduced the teaching o f pope but in such a way as if the only receivers were sports people.

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Dziubiński, Z. (2000). Message of the Holy Father John Paul II to the World of Sport . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 16, 355–379.

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