According to the second Plenary Synod in Poland, the pastoral situation has several aspects which, on the one hand, facilitate preaching, and on the other, hinder it. The analyzes are based on scientific research, and the results are published in „Les pastoral programs for Poland”. The contemporary sociological and cultural conditions are in reality, challenges launched today in our Church. In the social context, they are a great opportunity for preaching. But what seems more important now is the way of preaching, hence the design of the homilies that will be able to face all challenges, and to explain the problematic religious and moral notion that concerns people in today's world. The homily must be an existential explanation of Sacred Scripture within the framework of the eucharistic liturgy. It should update the teaching of Christ and apply gospel principles to our everyday life. Now follows the structure of a homily. It should include the following parts:
1“. the introduction, itself divided into: - the anthropological introduction and the proper meaning of the word homily. - the goal
2°. development which includes:
- the kerygmat
- the perennial dimension
- mystagogy
3°. the conclusion.
The introduction to the homily is called:
- the anthropological introduction, because it must focus on problems of the
everyday life, the everyday life by which man lives today.
- the goal that the preacher must immediately attract the attention of the audience, at the moment
precise where his homily begins.
The homily, in the proper sense of the term means first of all: what is called the kerygmat which is the set of words, phrases, words of Christ, the teaching of the Apostles, the teaching of the Church, of the Popes, the Magisterium of the Church, the Councils and the Bishops who remain union with the Holy See of Rome. The Kerygmat requires a more detailed explanation: the second element of a correct homily must be the didascalic element. The typological explanation can be used here; for example Adam - Christ - the Passover Lamb of the Jews - Christ as the new Passover Lamb, etc. The third part of the homily is its perennial dimension. We have a duty to encourage listeners to dare to take the right path, following the teaching of Christ whatever arrives, despite all the difficulties that may arise along the way. The fourth part of the homily relates to the mystagogical teaching. Mystagogy signifies the initiation into the mysteries of religion, more precisely the introduction into the mystery of Christ unfolding on the altar. This summarizes above all the personal union with our Savior under the Holy Eucharistic Species. This union is the source and the summit of our life as Christians. Finally, the conclusion of the homily must give the listener some very concrete things: - They must try to persuade him to choose the particular decision he will have to make, and that it will obviously be achievable in his daily life and that it corresponds to the latter, - It is also necessary to show him the path, the existential path and make him understand how one can live, without getting lost. It must be a personal and concrete decision, either it can be a wish, a request particular, or better still a prayer.
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