The problemática of the study presented above is intended to be an objective proposition of the analysis of the social, political, economic and cultural sphere of man and society, seen < I the perspective of the dialogue between the social doctrine of the Church and the system of liberal values. This proposal is centered on the analysis of the human person and his rights, since every liberal proposal o personalist to solve the problems of the social, political, economic and cultural order of the state democrático has been referred to the dignity of the person which constitutes the last moment to accept us or reject any intellectual or practical solution. The social order is characterized precisely by the guarantee of human rights, which are explained in the light of human dignity. The person constitutes the center of reference for every social activity, political, economic and cultural state. At the end of the analysis of the dialogue between the social doctrine of the Church and the system of values liberals, a very concrete question can be asked: „Which social philosophy is currently preferable for Poland or for the countries of Eastern Europe, which are undergoing a profound transformation of the system social, political, economic and cultural state?”. The answer has already been given. Only the philosophy that accepts and proposes the integral truth on man is worthy of being called "wisdom", or of constituting a true love for wisdom. The man it is the greatest and most fascinating mystery that the Creator has been able to give to his creature. This man, wanting to fully realize himself in the contemporary world, needs to know the truth about himself. It is necessary to be able to build the social, political, economic order culture, in which the dignity of the human person is respected. Man is, and must always remain in every social, political, economic and cultural program, the subject of its agiré, at every level of personal and social life. Planning the future of man, it must be remembered that every social science is continuous in doctrinal evolution. Even in the social teaching of the Popes, this evolution is evident. The merit of the modern perspective of the Church's social doctrine, based on the rights of the person human rights, belongs to John XXIII, who with Pacem in Terris proposed the catalog of human rights and affirmed the subjectivity of man in international society. II Vatican Council II, currently John Paul II, in their social teaching, clearly refer to dignity of the human person, who is the subject of social, economic, political and cultural action in the state Democrat by right. This evolution also concerns liberalism, which today is increasingly trying to give answers adapted to the needs and demands of the people. We can therefore say that the future of dialogue of the different social philosophies depends on their correct conception of the human person and on the guarantee of personal and social rights in the State, in the nation and in contemporary society. It seems precisely that the possibilities of coming to an agreement and of cooperating between the social doctrine of the Church and liberalism consists - under certain conditions - in the perspective of the defense of human rights: personal and social.
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