Published: 1997-06-30

Selected Psychological Theories of Human Moral Development

Dariusz Buksik
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Socio-pedagogical sciences


The human moral progress means gradualy discovering goodness as something universal in both personal and social life. It involves evolving from lower to higher levels according to the following psychological theories:
1. theory of-social studying
2. theory o f psychoanalysis
3. neopsychoanalysists Erikson’s moral progress theory, and
4. progress-cognitive theory o f Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s, as shown in this article.
All this theories show us progress from strong addiction and submission to outside influences and never ending inner struggle to overcome crisises in order to achieve moral authonomy.

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Buksik, D. (1997). Selected Psychological Theories of Human Moral Development . Seminare. Learned Investigations, 13, 147–166.

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