Published: 1994-06-30

Education for Ethical Attitudes in a Democratic Society

Henryk Skorowski
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Articles


The essence of Christian education is the formation of man as a person. This means that the educational process must take into consideration all levels and all dimensions of man. Ib this process cannot miss the ethical dimension addressed to the social reality, which enters the context of the realization of the fundamental task of the person himself. It is simply about the the need for the formation of defined ethical attitudes, which give man the possibility to realize its function in democratic society. The essential attitudes are: charity, solidarity, the justice, truth, freedom, tolerance. The formation of such attitudes in the process of Christian education gives society a chance to function as a society of free men and responsible. The Christian community has to fulfill the  essential role in the process of ethical education. There community is a fundamental subject in education, but this does not mean that a single person it is only the object of education. Christian education is in fact personal education. This means, among other things, that it is above all the development of the person in formation. When it comes to the Christian community as a subject of education it is not thought at all that the community forms a whole person but rather that it creates the appropriate conditions for its development in the ethical dimension that is the immediate development gives a possibility to transmit the determined ethical values ​​to the acceptance staff that are a true foundation for certain attitudes.

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Skorowski, H. (1994). Education for Ethical Attitudes in a Democratic Society. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 10, 119–135.

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