Published: 1986-06-30

Religiosity of the Youth of Our Time and Environment

Janusz Mariański
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Articles


The author considers the religiousness of Polish youth on two planes: that of the nation („tho faith of the people") and that of everyday life („the religion of daily life"). He discusses verifies in the light of sociological research the following three hypot,heses: (a) despite the changes in its socio-cultural and political context, the religiousness of youth maintains a kind of continuity - but only on the plane of the faith of the people; (b) the religiousness of everdary life is undergoing visible changes in various directions and with varying intensity; the most pronounced tendency is towards loosening of the ties between roligion and morality; (c) distinct religious revival is caused by social rather than ecclesial (pastorał) facts. The general stability of religious belief and practice bears witness to the vitality of „ the faith of the people". The increase in positive attitudes towards religion at the turn of the decade varied with social group. Some research suggests that the chan.ges in favour of the religious world view -vvore stronger among young people from the !ower socialcultural strata, (working- elass and peasant youth). The author puts forward the hypothesis that the rising tide of religiousness was due to social and psychological factors rather than pastoral ones and that if the 1atter are not strengt,hened in the next years while the effect of former ·wanes, an ebb rnay come as rapidly as did the present surge.

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Mariański, J. (1986). Religiosity of the Youth of Our Time and Environment. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 8, 9–38.

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