Published: 1986-06-30

The Place and Role of Youth in the Parish

Kazimierz Ryczan
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Articles


As required by the pastoral method, the question is ansv>'ered in three parts. The first, norrnative part discusses the official model contained in the Church magisterium. Like all members of the Church, young people, too, have a position of their own in the pa;rish determined by the sacraments they receive. One's position in the community defines one's role. The role of young people can be represented in terrn.s of the mutual rights and oblig,1tions of the parish and of the young. These rights and obligations are put into practice in the concrcte environment of the modern parish, which undergoes constant change. Changes affeet. young peopln as well as their pastors~ and they occur not only in the socio-economic sphere but also in the field of culture. Pastorał work must keep pace 1Yith the changes. Heneu, the t.hird part comprises a number of practical pastorał postulates addressed to those in change of pastorał vrnrk. \Ve must strive to overcome the pastors, distrust of the young generation, since a young man usually has a crit.ical attitude to contribute that makes progress pos,;:iblo. 'V"e must not forget, either, that despite the hierarchie order of the Church, the principlo of auxiliarity ought to be applied. 0\ving to that principle, it is possible to preserve the identity of each group of parishioners, including that of young people, who are often ignored because of their age and inexperience.

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Ryczan, K. (1986). The Place and Role of Youth in the Parish. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 8, 55–62.

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