Published: 1985-06-30

Basic Functions of the Church in the Life of the Family

Jerzy Grześkowiak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Articles


The magisterium of the Church and modern theology describe the Christian family as a „little Church" or „domestic Church" because in the the Church discharges its basie functions. Through these functions the Church realizes itself and grows, continuing the prophetic, priestly and royal mission of Christ. The author discusses the saving mission of the family by presenting the family as a community of faith and evangelization, a cornmunity of priestly dialogue with God and a community in the service cf rns.n (cf. Pope Paul II's exhortation „Familiaris consmtio", nos. 49-G4}. The proph2tic function of the family includes: the reading of the Scripture, the deepe::iing of discovering and proclaiming God's plans regarding marriagc and farnily, revealing Gad to children through love, family catechesis and proclaiming the Gospel to the world. Each member of the family is both evangelizer and evangelized. The priestly aspect of the family n1anifests itself in its sacramental life, the spiritual offering of everyday life, and prayer. In the first of these spheres special stress is laid on the need for the married couple to gain a profound experience of the sacrament of marriage, on the Eucharist and on the sacrament of penan.ce. The intimate bond of marriage with the Eucharist is elucidated in terms of three ideas: covenant, self-sacrificing love and community, and mission. In the sanctuary of the domestic Church there should be harmony between the liturgical prayer of the Curch and the private prayer of the family suited current needs and to the periods of the liturgical year. The royal function of the family consists in services to others within the family and in the broader community of the Church, to humanity at large and to the whole creation. „Mastery of oneself" is the foundation of serving others. Emphasis is put on hospitality and on the need for political and social involvement with a view to building a „civilization of love". In realizing the threefold mission of Christ and the Church the family comrnunity becomes a community of salvation, that is a community both saved and saving. It is, then, like the Church itself, a sign and instrument of internal union with God and of the unity of mankind.

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Grześkowiak, J. (1985). Basic Functions of the Church in the Life of the Family. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 7, 39–69.

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