Ethical principles


These ethical principles apply to all persons involved in the publication process. Authors, editors, and reviewers are required to familiarise themselves with the standards of ethical behaviour applied by “Saeculum Christianum.” In case of violation of these rules, international COPE standards will be applied. See: (available in English) (available in Polish)  


Authors send to the address of the Editorial Board of “Saeculum Christianum” articles of original scientific contents, unpublished anywhere, which are not currently the subject of any other publication proceedings.  The author is obliged to provide references to other authors' works if the writer quotes them verbatim or paraphrases their thoughts. If the author uses someone else's work, such as a table or graphic, the use of which requires consent, the submitter is obliged to obtain the necessary permissions before sending the text to the Editorial Board. In the event of plagiarism, the submitted text will be rejected.

If the submitted text has more than one author, the contribution of individual authors to the publication as well as their affiliations should be clearly indicated. This obligation rests with the person submitting the text for publication. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in rejection of the text.

Sending a text to the Editorial Board is tantamount to a statement that the author has full copyright to the submitted text and agrees to its publication in “Saeculum Christianum” in the paper version, which is the original version of the journal, and to publishing the text on websites.

Authors are requested to send the following statement along with the text to be published: file 1, file 2

Authors declare that they acquainted with "Open Access Policy" of Saeculum Christianum journal made available on its website and they fully agreed with it.

The Editorial Board of “Saeculum Christianum” 

  1. Warrants the substantive and formal level of submitted articles;
  2. Ensures that editorial procedures are followed;
  3. Decides on the acceptance of the material for publication in accordance with ethical principles, based on substantive criteria;
  4. Ensures freedom of scientific discussion;
  5. Determines the requirements for authors of texts submitted to the Editorial Board;
  6. Ensures that ethical principles related to the publication of the papers are respected;
  7. Provides reviewers with clear criteria for peer-reviewed texts;
  8. Ensures the anonymity of reviews and takes care to avoid conflicts of interest;
  9. When complaints arise, it responds to the submitted allegations and identifies an appeal mechanism;
  10. Stores documentation related to the journal's publishing process.

The Scientific Council of “Saeculum Christianum”

Warrants the scientific level of SCh;

  1. Supports the Editorial Board of the SCh in its editorial work;
  2. Promotes the journal in the national and international scientific community.

Improper Practices Policy

In case of reservations regarding the papers published in SCh, the Editorial Board analyses their contents at a convened meeting. The Editorial Secretary sends a response to the persons concerned by email. In cases where the allegations concern the work of the SCh Editorial Board, the issue for consideration and decision is referred to the UKSW Vice-Rector for Science and Scientific Cooperation, who is responsible for journals published at UKSW.

Policy on the authorship and originality of the text submitted to the Journal

The Editorial Board expects the author of a submitted text to clearly state that the text is original and has not been previously published in any other journal or language. If the article is multi-authored, such a statement is signed by all the authors of the paper. The SCh Editorial Board endeavours to ensure that the ethical principles of scientific research are not violated and that plagiarism is not committed. 


Policy on the appeal of the decision of the Editorial Board of SCh 

If the author does not agree with the position of the Editorial Board, he/she may appeal to the Vice-Rector for Science and Scientific Cooperation of UKSW.

Conflict of interest policy

The Editorial Board of SCh strives to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers or authors and members of the Editorial Board in the process of editorial work. The SCh Editorial Board makes every effort to ensure that the review process of submitted papers is as objective as possible.

Reviewers are not informed of the personalities of the authors of the articles. The Editorial Board endeavours to ensure that there is no professional or family relationship between authors and reviewers. To avoid conflicts of interest, the author is required by the Editorial Board to make an avowal on the financing of research the results of which are presented in the article submitted to SCh. Any objections related to conflicts of interest should be reported to the Editorial Board that will consider them and inform the author of the outcome.

Policy on sharing papers published in SCH

Papers are available in printed and electronic versions. The UKSW Scientific Publishing House sells the journal in the print version.

Care for ethics policy

 The SCh Editorial Board strives to respect ethical principles that relate to respecting the privacy and dignity of every individual. The SCh Editorial Board cares about the observance of the privacy and data protection of those who cooperate with the Editorial Board. The data mentioned above are used only for the needs of the publishing process. UKSW data protection information is available on the UKSW website: Any breaches of data protection can be reported via this website.

Intellectual property policy

The authors or co-authors of the texts retain copyright to the published papers. They sign an agreement for the publication of the article with the UKSW Scientific Publishing House. A contract template is available on the SCh website (tab For Authors → Sample statements). The papers available on the SCh website have Open Access status and are made available under the Creative Commons licence (CC BY- ND 4.0). The authors are not obliged to bear the costs associated with the publication of the article nor do they receive any remuneration for it. The author is entitled to a free author's copy of the Journal with the published paper.

Journal management policy

The journal SCh is published by the Institute of History of UKSW in collaboration with the Institute of Archaeology and the Institute of Art History. The editor-in-chief and other members of the Editorial Board are appointed by the Dean after consultation with the Scientific Discipline Council History UKSW. All matters concerning the financing of the journal are decided by the authorities of UKSW.

Assessment policy

Articles submitted to SCh are subject to the following assessment procedure:

  1. The Editorial Board carries out a preliminary assessment of the article, its compliance with the journal's profile, and the fulfilment of formal requirements. It informs the author of the acceptance or refusal of the paper for further assessment stage.
  2. Substantive evaluation of the submitted paper is made by two independent experts who are independent academics in the particular discipline.
  3. Based on the submitted reviews, the Editorial Board decides whether to accept or reject the article for publication. Receiving two positive reviews is a condition for the acceptance of the paper for publication. In the case of one positive review and the other review for improvement, the article is sent back to the author for correction, after which it is resubmitted to the same reviewer. In the case of two reviews referring the material for improvement, the article is not accepted for publication.


From 2023 onwards, the list of reviewers for a given annal is published in the second issue of the journal. As far as possible, members of the Editorial Board participate in training sessions organised by the university to improve editorial work. If the author questions the decision of the Editorial Board during the publishing process, the case is settled by the Vice-Rector for Science and Scientific Cooperation of UKSW responsible for journals published by UKSW.


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